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This is a version of the Ceridwen Self Issue Client which has been preconfigured for use in University of Oxford Libraries. 


  1. Install an up to date Java Runtime (for instance from https://adoptopenjdk.net/). Ensure that java is configured on tha path.
  2. Download OULSSelfIssue-NoVM.zip
  3. Extract the zip file into a suitable directory (e.g. c:\Program Files\Ceridwen.com\SelfIssue).  SelfIssue can be run by running SelfIssue.bat or SelfIssue.exe.
  4. Download the latest configuration file for Oxford which can be found here: config.xml
  5. Edit this file and change the following (they will have the initial value CHANGEME in config.xml):
    the library name located under XML Path: SelfIssue\UI\LibraryText_Text;
    the Port number located under XML Path: SelfIssue\Systems\SIP\Port to your unit-specific Self Issue port, which will have been emailed to library and IT staff. You can also request this from the OLIS Helpline;
     the e-mail address to send notifications to the library staff under XML Path: SelfIssue\Systems\Loggers\Logger\To.
  6. Place the edited config.xml in the subdirectory c:\Program Files\Ceridwen.com\SelfIssue\resources\com\ceridwen\selfissue\client\config\ replacing the existing config.xml file found there. (Assuming that you extracted the zip file to c:\Program Files\Ceridwen.com\SelfIssue).
  7. Run and test:
    • *Test Connection¦
    • Attempt checkout of valid and invalid patron/books
    • Check client starts and handles checkouts with network cable unplugged
    • Check spooler directories in c:\temp
    • Check entries replay when network replugged (restart client or wait 15 minutes)
    • To diagnose problems run SelfIssue using selfissue.bat at the commandline (whilst in the SelfIssue directory). This will display additional error logging information on the commandline console.